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Michiko Uchihara, 60 years old, has a healthy and elegant appearance. It is a beautiful wife who does not look like a 60th birthday. It's been 40 years since I got married to my husband, and I'm still dissatisfied with my night life.

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It's easy for teens and pre-teens to access hardcore images of sex and violence that would have been hard for adults to find 20 years ago. Some of it, on internet advertising, blindsides kids like 15-year-old Angela Black.

Ms. ANGELA BLACK (Teenager): Pop-ups come up sometimes, and it's just like, you know, delete. That's all you've got to do. And that's all I do because that's disgusting, like porn stuff, that's nasty.

ULABY: That could mean a 12-year-old pretending to be 16 or even 20. Experiments with identity can also include web pages parents might know about and others kept secret. All this is normal to adolescence, says Winn. So is an interest in sex. But problems emerge when kids are, literally, left to their own devices.

Ms. WINN: I guess what showed me the naivety of parents was we had boys who were 13 telling us that they'd been through their pornography stage when they were 11. They'd been there, done that. Now, they were more mature. They were past that. And then we had parents telling us that they had very open dialogue with their children but they hadn't talked to them about pornography on the internet because, you know, their kids were 14 or 15 and they felt that they were too young.

ULABY: Recently, the Kaiser Family Foundation did a study showing that over the past seven years, sexual content on network television has increased from just over half of all shows to 7 out of every 10 shows. And the number of sexual scenes in those shows has gone up, too.

ULABY: But policing this world has not developed quite as quickly as the kids who've grown up inside it. Twenty-one-year-old Ashley Hutchinson says coming of age in this media morass has affected her feelings about starting a family of her own.

Aspirations and hopes of the new generation have changed dramatically from the 90s to 2010. The youth of today are concerned more with bread-and-butter issues than rabble-rousing rhetoric. In these circumstances,the broad-based hope for a mature reaction to the Babri verdict is expedited.

My six-year-old grandson,Kabir Adkoli,sent me an e-mail depicting a childrens park in the middle with sand pits,seesaw,ladder,etc,and a mosque and temple on both sides. It was a response to the present conflict. This is a message of peace from the young mind. This is the mind of the nation which binds us together.

Background: To study the diagnosis, management, and outcome ofabdominal neuroblastoma (NBL) in infants and children and also the behaviorof some rare types. Patients and Methods: This is a retrospective review of46 infants and children having abdominal NBL at King Abdulaziz UniversityHospital, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Tanta University Hospital,Tanta, Egypt (a joint study) between February 2008 and January 2012. Thepatients' medical records were reviewed for demographic details,clinical presentations, histopathology, radiological diagnosis, management,and outcome. Results: Of the 46 patients, 5 (10.7%), three males and twofemales, aged 1.5-6.5 years (mean: 4.5 years) had rare types of NBL (onebilateral NBL, one pelvic NBL, one pelvic-abdominal, and there were two casesof ganglioneuroblastoma). Three patients (two ganglioneuroblastoma and onepelvic) underwent complete surgical removal of the tumor with a good diseasesurvival, whereas the other two patients (two bilateral and onepelviabdominal) had advanced disease and received palliativechemoradiotherapy. The remaining 41 patients, 23 males (56.1%) and 18 females(43.9%), with mean age 3.9 years (range: 1-7 years), had unilateral abdominalNBL. Twelve of them had resectable tumor and underwent primary surgicalremoval of the tumor, whereas the remaining 29 patients had unresectabletumor and received pre-operative chemotherapy with good response of the tumorin seven patients and no response in the remaining 22 patients. Conclusion:Primary complete surgical removal of tumor is advisable in localized NBL witha good outcome, whereas in advanced cases, it is better to start withpre-operative chemotherapy to downsize the tumour mass and safe delayedsurgical excision. An increase in patient's age is associated withadvanced stage of NBL and poor prognosis except in ganglioneuroblastoma casesdue to maturation of tumor cells.

Neuroblastoma (NBL) is the most malignant tumor in children andmost common solid tumor in infants accounting for 8-10% of all childhoodmalignancies (about 8.7 million/year). It affects primarily children youngerthan 10 years of age. About 50% are below the age of 2 years. It occurs morefrequently in boys than in girls (1.2:1). It originates from the neural crestcell, which normally gives rise to the adrenal medulla and sympatheticganglia anywhere from the neck to the pelvis. It occurs in the abdomen inabout 70% of cases (45% in adrenal medulla and 25% in sympathetic ganglia).[sup][1]

NBL consists of nests of neuroblasts (undifferentiated small roundcells) separated by fine fibrovascular septa (stroma) and showing Rosetteformation in about one-third of cases. In about 5-10% of cases, someneuroblasts show differentiation into mature ganglion cells and the tumor isclassified as ganglioneuroblastoma; however, in adolescents and young adults,the tumor is formed of mature ganglion cells separated by collagenous stromaand called ganglioneuroma and this is the most benign type of NBL. NBL andganglioneuroblastoma were classified by Shimada and recently by InternationalNeuroblastoma Pathology Classification into favorable and unfavorablehistology tumors according to the degree of neuroblasts differentiation andstromal development (stroma-rich and stroma-poor). [sup][2] Patients with NBLmay show genetic abnormalities in the form of deletion in the short arm ofchromosome one and amplification of genes of chromosome two (called N mycgene amplification) and this is considered a poor prognostic factor of thedisease. [sup][3]

Five patients (10.7%) out of 46 were found to have rare types ofNBL, bilateral (one), pelvic (one), pelviabdominal (one), andganglioneuroblastoma (two), they were three males and two females and theirmean age was 4.5 years (range: 1.5-6.5), whereas the other 41 patients hadconventional unilateral abdominal NBL, they were 23 males (56.1%) and 18females (43.9%) and their mean age was 3.9 years (range: 1-7 years).

According to INSS, we found three patients had Stage I disease, 7had Stage II, 13 had Stage III, and 23 had Stage IV disease. On correlatingage with disease stage in our patients, we found that 11/19 patients (57.9%) 3 years had advanceddisease indicating that an increase in patient's age is associated withadvanced stage of NBL [Table 2].Table 2

Three- and six-year old boys each presented with a lefthypochondrial mass. US and CT showed a well-circumscribed mass with centralhemorrhage and necrosis at the site of left suprarenal gland compressing theleft kidney and displacing it downwards [Figure 4]a. Exploration revealed alarge rounded mass, safely dissected from tail of pancreas, spleen, and Lt.kidney [Figure 4]b. They were removed, histopathologically examined, andproved to be Stage I ganglioneuroblastoma [Figure 4]c with favorable shimadahistology in one patient and did not receive adjuvant chemotherapy, whereasthe other patient had unfavorable histology and received adjuvantchemotherapy [Table 3] with good disease-free survival in bothpatients.Figure 4Table 3 041b061a72


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