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Free Pdf Of Operational Amplifier Linear Integrated Circuit By Robert F Coughlin Rapidshare

Designed to be suitable for non-electronic specialists who wish to learn about and eventually use linear ICs, this text provides a direct approach for developing basic understanding and practical skills in working with op amps and more complex linear integrated circuits.

Free Pdf Of Operational Amplifier Linear Integrated Circuit By Robert F Coughlin Rapidshare

This popular book presents a clear and interesting approach for op-amp courses while examining four basic active filters, illustrating 5-V digital logic ICs, and more. It provides many detailed, practical design and analysis examples intended to relate theory to the workplace.Chapter topics include first experiences with an op amp; inverting and noninverting amplifiers; comparators and controls; selected applications of op amps; signal generators; op amps with diodes; differential, instrumentation, and bridge amplifiers; DC performance: bias, offsets, and drift; AC performance: bandwidth, slew rate, noise; active filters; modulating, demodulating, and frequency changing with the multiplier; integrated-circuit timers; digital-to-analog converters; analog-to-digital converters; and power supplies.For design engineers rs


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